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Friday, September 20, 2013

My Travel Goals - What I Want To Learn

Everyone has goals in their least I hope you do.  Notice the motto of this newly started blog?  Because having no goal is just meaningless existence.  That's right, we all need a goal, otherwise you have no purpose in life.  When you have no purpose in life, life becomes boring, you get sucked into the Rat Race, spinning in circles, going no

So, in order to compensate that, I decided to do something that I have never done before.  Set goals and reach them.  What is the biggest reason why people don't reach their goals?  Instinct says that it is due perhaps to the lack of motivation.  If you set a goal that you're not excited about, you're not going to succeed.  So, you first need to have a goal that you're excited about.

My goal is to Write five blog post per day, that pertain to travel in some form or another.  After all, this is a wishlist blog, my desire to travel is stronger than ever, to taste the food, experience the culture, and be blown away by the landscape.  Sure, you can sit here plugging away and looking at pictures all day long, but nothing beats seeing it with your own eyes.

What about a secondary goal?  It's always good to have a secondary goal and then increase that goal as you see fit once you've reached your goal.  My secondary goal is to reach 10,000 page views on my blog within a 90 day period.  That's right, three months time period.  If other people can do it, such as people that start a hobby blog for fun, then I can do it too.

Check out How I Got 20,000 Views in Under Four Months on the website Enchanting Beginnings.  If you're curious as to a bit more of what she writes about, check out this post...Kindergarteners Should Rule The World.  We need more children like her, no seriously...we do.

Where was I?  Oh yeah, talking about Travel and Goal setting.  Enough of that though, let's move on to what I really came here to write about.  The Learning Experience.

Traveling the World is really a great opportunity to learn about Countries and their Culture.  If you don't learn anything that you can take away with you from your travels, then you're traveling for the wrong reasons.  I'm not saying that you can't enjoy yourself, by all means, please do.  That is what Travel is all about, enjoying yourself.  But when in Rome...Go for the Pizza.  Or was that a different saying?  Check Please...

Exploring the Culture should be your top priority when you go to another Country.  Culture is a mixed mash of Food, Origins, Architecture, Music, and Fun.  Or at least that's what I'm interested in.  I've always been a big fan of the Old Architecture Designs and you can bet that this blog will have some of them in it.  Old Churches, Castles, and Temples galore.

As Anthony Bourdain from No Reservations would say..."You can learn a lot about a Culture from it's food."  Food says a lot if you listen.  You have Cultures from all over the world that have a mixed mash of different ethnic groups.  You can be certain that there will be a few History Lessons in the mix.

The Origins of how different countries came to be is always intriguing.  Take Iceland for example, a mixture of Vikings and Irish form the base of the group that lives on an Island in the Northern parts of the World.

Music can be a great experience to learn from.  You can learn what types of music the culture listens to and take away a pleasure that few people ever get to experience.  Some music is obviously better than others and no two people are the same.  What one person calls music, another person calls trash.

So, let's delve into the world of Travel together and make it a journey worth working towards.  Again, these are places I would like to visit with my own eyes and doing some research ahead of time, will no doubt give me an edge when I get to the country.  Also, try to learn the language of the country you are going to, it helps.

Do you share similar goals and desire of travel?  If so, share this post with your friends and let the discussion begin.

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